The Myth of Multitasking

“To say that you are an effective multitasker is the same as saying you are effective at doing things in a less effective way.”

Dave Crenshaw, author of The Myth of Multitasking: How “Doing It All” Gets Nothing Done

I received an email the other day from a company that was looking for a DOM for its Part 135 operation. Towards the end of the job announcement it read, “Applicant must demonstrate the ability to multi-task.”

But is multitasking a myth? Dave Crenshaw, author of The Myth of Multitasking: How “Doing It All” Gets Nothing Done believes it is. He says that multitasking could actually be hurting productivity. “Your brain is NOT able to handle multiple tasks at the same time,” he says.

The phrase that Crenshaw likes to use instead of multitasking is “switchtasking.” He says that what we are essentially doing when we think we are multitasking is switching back and forth between tasks. He adds that there is time lost between all those switches. So someone who is “multitasking” is essentially performing each task slower than if he or she were to concentrate on just one task before moving on to the next. “We think that we are doing multiple things at the same time, but we are really not,” says Crenshaw. “We end up having to retrace our steps and correct things, which takes a whole lot longer than if we just focused on them one at a time.”

This editorial column itself is a good example of time lost by switchtasking. I sat down to write the column and opened my Web browser to find the link I had bookmarked for Crenshaw’s article. My home page happens to be Google News, and I have a special news feed with the search term “aviation maintenance.” When my browser opened, I noticed a news item that I felt our readers would appreciate. So I clicked on my “AddThis” button on my browser and logged in to my Twitter account so I could share the link with my followers. While on Twitter, I noticed a tweet by EAA announcing that Burt Rutan’s Catbird was going to be restored and would make a journey to this year’s EAA AirVenture in Oshkosh. I clicked on the link and read the article and then re-tweeted it to my followers. Then I got a call from Greg and we discussed our Web site redesign. By the way, If you haven’t been to since the new redesign, you should navigate over and check out some of the new features (after you finish reading this column, of course).

So where was I? Oh yes, finishing my discussion on the myth of multitasking. You probably get the picture by now. Although the other tasks needed to get done, switching back and forth between them became a distracting time waster. offers the following tips to help minimize distractions in the workplace:

If You Have a Door, Shut It

If you’re lucky enough to have a door to your office, close it when you’re trying to put your nose to the grindstone. If you don’t want to be rude, post a small sign informing folks that you’re on a deadline or an important call.

Budget Your Time 

If you make a careful schedule that accounts for all of your time and tasks — free time, meetings, calls and quiet work time — you’ll be more likely to accomplish what you need to each day. Also, you’ll always know exactly where the day went and what went into it.

Put Down Your Mobile Device

Constant but unscheduled phone calls and text messages are a common culprit when it comes to efficiency busters. Shut down your device or check it every hour or so, rather than keeping it at the ready when you’re attempting to focus on a particular task.

Consider a Change of Scenery

When you’re under pressure to complete a project, you may want to take your show on the road if you can. Work from home or off site — anywhere you can truly devote yourself without the possibility of interruption. If working remotely isn’t possible, find a conference room or vacant office to squat in so you can get things done.

Stop Checking Your Email Incessantly

Today’s professionals have become slaves to checking their email constantly. Take control of your inbox and limit how often you check on and address email to stay sane and focused on the job.

Thanks for reading!  Joe

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D.O.M. magazine is the premier magazine for aviation maintenance management professionals. Its management-focused editorial provides information maintenance managers need and want including business best practices, professional development, regulatory, quality management, legal issues and more. The digital version of D.O.M. magazine is available for free on all devices (iOS, Android, and Amazon Kindle).

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