Avotek Introduces New Online Courses for AMT Subjects

In a continued effort to support schools offering online classes, Avotek is releasing a new series of online products designed to support the Part 147 curriculum. These programs have been designed as a companion to either the Avotek or the FAA textbook series. The material is available at the Avotek-Online website.
According to the latest Pipeline Report from the Aviation Technical Education Council, 61 percent of the nation’s aviation maintenance technician (AMT) schools now have distance-learning authorization, up from 4 percent before the pandemic. Avotek was among the first companies to provide online aviation-maintenance classes.
Avotek has carefully extracted the most important information associated with each subject area. To help students gain an understanding of the theory and practice being presented, the material provides a narrated commentary, supplemented by more images than the textbook. The programs may be used to replace or augment the lecture associated with the subject area. The online experience is an excellent way to increase student engagement and learning by having students complete the theory portion of the subject area at home but have questions answered and work on the skills and problem-solving during in-person class time. Often referred to as "flipping the classroom," this technique can be a very effective way to present AMT material.
This group of courses is titled Introduction to Aircraft Maintenance and covers the General section of the Mechanic exam. The first three offerings in this series are: Aircraft Weight and Balance; Aircraft Drawings; and Human Factors. The weight and balance material is presented in two parts, with a total playing time of one hour. These lessons cover the theory of weight and balance, how to weigh an aircraft, and the various calculations associated with weight and balance records.
Avotek-Online will release additional titles periodically throughout this year. The list of courses in the group can be found at https://avotek-online.com/courses/category/introduction-to-aircraft-maintenance.