2011 State of the Parts Address
A DOM’s Reliance Upon Work Performed By Other Mechanics Results In Revocation Of His Certificate And Ratings
Masterful Willa Brown (1906-1992)
Remembering Peter -1969
More than 40 years ago. Probably best remembered for the “original, one and only” Woodstock Music Festival and the man on the moon. A lot has changed in the last 40 years, but some of the ideas that came about in that era are still applicable today, even though they have mostly been forgotten. Laurence Peter and Raymond Hull’s 1969 book “The Peter Principle” received a lot of publicity and recognition when it came out, and interestingly enough, the basic principles still apply today, with virtually no changes required to them.
How To Be a Good Coach
Reed Parsons - DOM for Longhorn Helicopters in Denton, Texas
Actively Engaged and Advanced Certification
Last November 5, the FAA issued Notice of Proposed Rulemaking (NPRM) 2010-1060, “Policy Clarifying Definition of Actively Engaged for Purposes of Inspector Authorization.” The original deadline for comments was December 6, but the FAA extended the comment deadline to January 17. Either deadline was too early for a call to action in this column, but I wanted to make some comments on the NPRM, Inspection Authorization, and advanced certification.